Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sri Lankan Hindu spiritual leader and humanitarian Sri Aru Thirumurugan turns 50 this Saturday, May 28th. As a tribute and respect in recognition of the efforts of Sri Aru Thirumurgan, the All Ceylon Hindu Congress is publishing a book on his life and service in a special event that they are organising. I was asked to give a forward to this book which I have included below for your reading so you can get to know a little about Sri Aru Thirumurugan.

Aum Shanthi,

Rishi Thondunathan

Prostrations to the Holy Feet of Maha Ganapathy!

Congratulations to our beloved Sri Aru Thirumurugan, on this special occasion of his 50th Birthday.

I am humbled to be given this opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings about Sri Aru Thirumurugan during this very special time both for this wonderful man and our community in Jaffna whom he serves so lovingly. From the day I met Sri Aru Thirumurugan I realized what a humble soul he is. His selflessness shows in all his effort to provide much needed service to the our community. At a crucial juncture in his life when most would have taken the opportunity to take flight of the heavy and sad situation in Jaffna during the late 80's and 90's, Sri Aru Thirumurugan decided to return and dedicate his life to serving an entire community. In my mind his stalwart service puts him in the league of Mahatma Gandhi, Thangamma Appakutti, Mother Teresa and such selfless people. We are very fortunate and indeed blessed to have Sri Aru Tirumurgan in our midst. 

I first met Sri Aru Thirumurugan in August of 2002 at the Nallur Temple during the Flag Raising Ceremonies. As I reflect on this meeting and our subsequent collaboration in service to our people, I realize that our meeting was not an accident or coincidence. This initial meeting to me was a play organised by Lord Muruga Himself. I was immediately moved by Sri Aru Thirumurugan's deeply dedicated compassion for humanity even at this initial meeting. His spirit of service and vision for the future was so in tune with my own thoughts that I realized I had met my spiritual brother. We have been working together ever since in developing community service projects and infrastructure for the betterment of our people. Nine years on we can begin to see our visions planted that many years ago at the grounds of Nallur taking shape. 

I also want to take this opportunity, and I think it is appropriate on this joyous occasion, to provide a very brief biography of Sri Aru Thirumurugan.  As a young man he had to go through unimaginable physical suffering during the war. However, even then and because of the magnanimity he possess he never blamed anyone for what happened to him. During his brief stay in India to treat the wounds he had suffered he met His Holiness, The Late Sri Thirucy Swamigal of Bangalore. This great saint whom I too have had a close relationship with and gave Sri Aru Thirumurugan a very potent spiritual initiation. Sri Thiruchy Swamigal blessed him by putting a orange shawl on him and told him that the Goddess of Knowledge, Saraswathi resided on his tongue and commanded him to go and spread the knowledge that he possessed from his extensive study of Tamil literature and Hindu tradition by giving lectures.

Thus, began Sri Aru Thirummurugan's his life of service. Bringing to life  Sri Thirchy Swamigal's instructions he has proven to be an outstanding speaker. He has since given hundreds of lectures in temples in Sri Lanka and around the world. From the gifts that he received from his visits and discourses in the temples of London, Sri Aru Tirumurgan was able to build an eye operation theater for the Jaffna hospital. In the last decade his service activities in Jaffna has flourished with the building and running of the Sivapoomi School for the Disabled and the Elderly Home among his many other charitable contributions. 

Whenever I visit Jaffna, I have the privilege of spending time with Sri Aru Thirumurugan at our Sivapoomi elderly home. His extensive knowledge on Hindu and Tamil scriptures and culture makes him a veritable walking university. Sri Aru Thirumurugan is indeed a great visionary and a true Hindu missionary.  We are very blessed to have him living among us especially at this great time of need. May Lord Ganesha remove all the obstacles in his path of service, May Lord Murugan wield his mighty Vel and give him the strength to continue his much needed work on Earth. May Lord Siva Peruman grant him a long heathy life that many more will be touched by Sri Aru Thirumurugan's good works. 

Aum Shanthi,

Rishi Thondunathan

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